So, the posts here are not supposed to be spooky: they are simply about how incredibly super good Jesus is, and how much He loves us all. I didn't make up these posts, they are not my thoughts. I got them in order to understand few things better. And I share them for one reason, so that also you would have a better understanding.
Na, amiről itt szó lesz, attól nem kell megijedni: egyszerűen annyi, hogy Jézus mennyire nagyon hihetetlenül szuper jó, és hogy mennyire nagyon szeret mindenkit. Az itt leírt bejegyzéseket nem én találtam ki; ezek nem a saját gondolataim. Ezeket azért kaptam, hogy jobban megérthessek néhány dolgot. És csak azért írom le őket, hogy te is megérthesd ezeket.

October 23, 2010

Do you dare to entrust yourself to me?

God carries us in His hands. And He is not only carrying us but also protecting us with His hands. He is there in all of your circumstances, in every moment of your life: in all of your joy but also in all of your troubles and pain. He will never leave you.

But am I ready to let things go if He asks me to do that? Am I ready to do what seems to be impossible for human mind?

Yesterday God asked me: Do you dare to entrust yourself to me???

Do you dare to entrust yourself to me?
Are you ready to step out of your comfort zone in order to enter a much better life?
Are you ready to put your trust not in your present circumstances but in my provision?
Are you able to see not only the obstacles and difficulties but also the possibilities?
Are you ready to give up your own things? Do you trust me? Do you believe I'm going to give you something way better what you have right now?
How much do you trust me?

Trust me! I'm there in all of your circumstances. I will always care about you and hold you in my arms.

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