So, the posts here are not supposed to be spooky: they are simply about how incredibly super good Jesus is, and how much He loves us all. I didn't make up these posts, they are not my thoughts. I got them in order to understand few things better. And I share them for one reason, so that also you would have a better understanding.
Na, amiről itt szó lesz, attól nem kell megijedni: egyszerűen annyi, hogy Jézus mennyire nagyon hihetetlenül szuper jó, és hogy mennyire nagyon szeret mindenkit. Az itt leírt bejegyzéseket nem én találtam ki; ezek nem a saját gondolataim. Ezeket azért kaptam, hogy jobban megérthessek néhány dolgot. És csak azért írom le őket, hogy te is megérthesd ezeket.

July 18, 2010

The supreme desire of God's heart

I wish I could tell this to you or note it down. If only I was able to share this with others.
I will try to describe it and I really hope this post will not be another skin-deep blog-post but something much deeper.

You know the life that you're living has a goal. And I'm sure if I asked you, you could tell me what the purpose of your life is. I'm sure it is something very important to you. Probably even much more than that: something which is the deepest desire of your heart! The supreme desire of your heart is the thing you must reach because without it something always will be missing. I'm sure you would do anything or even sacrifice something valuable to get there. This desire will simply be there inside of you until you reach it. I think this is such a fantastic value which doesn't accidentally exist in every human being.

And you know what, not only people but also God has a desire. He has feelings and desires as well. So do you know what the supreme desire of God's heart is? Do you know what is His heart crying for? Do you know what it is He would do anything for?

If only every person was open to understand this...

Listen, I tell you what God's desire is: His supreme desire is that every person would understand His infinite love He has towards us and that everyone would be willing to honestly accept this love.

It is His desire that we don't wander around pursuing all sorts of odds and ends but finally we would acknowledge His infinite love and finally say to Him:
"Ooh, Lord, so the only reason you were always coming after me is that you could show me your love? You only followed me to give me a hug? Eeerr... if I knew that, I wouldn't be running around to and fro to find love and appreciation. I'm sorry I've been running away from you!"

I wish you understood God loves you endlessly and you are so precious and beautiful for Him that you cannot imagine. If He was there where you are reading this blog right now He would run to you, sit next to you and He would say:
"My child, don't you see how much I love you? Your happiness and your joy are the most important to me! You might be hiding things from others, but you don't need to hide them from me: I know you well. And you are beautiful to me just as you are. I want you to understand that you are more valuable for me than anything else. You know it also hurt me when I saw you being hurt by others. It hurt me when I saw precious things were taken away from you. My tears were flowing when I saw you crying. Trust me! You can ask anything from me what you would like to have and I will give it to you."

The deepest desire of God's heart is to tell this personally to you and you would understand how excited He is about you!

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