The other day I sat down to have a little chat with Jesus, and this time again I could see Him as never before. I could see how He relates to us, to people.
The fact is that we people do not always have our hearts full of love... Unfortunately the world is full of bitterness and anger, and unfortunately, these things are sticky. They can easily come into our hearts. And in such a cases, the heart of others will not melt away as they look at us.
But I have a good news. Jesus does not look at us the way others do. The Bible says God is love. And love can not look at us differently, just with love. Jesus also relates to each person with love. There's no other way for Him to relate to us. This time Jesus showed me a picture so that I could understand this better:
I saw a completely distorted, yellow, angry, dog-like creature who did nothing but barked and barked, filled with anger. It was not a pleasant sight. If anyone came to him, he would have bitten him, but not because of any reason for that, but because he was completely angry. He barked constantly and did not stop.
And then Jesus came to him and embraced him with such infinite love that man would not be able to. He simply leaned over to him and from his side and He embraced him at the neck. But this embrace was not a simple hug: it contained complete acceptance, pure love and joy in the same time. Jesus wants to embrace every one of us with such an embrace. With acceptance, love, and with the joy because finally He can show us how much He is very fond of us...
As I looked at this picture, suddenly a thought came up to my mind: wait how is it possible that this dog-like angry creature does not bite Jesus?
Jesus how can this be? I asked him. The answer was simple:
'Look, evil things can not touch me.' Jesus replied.
Oh, yes... well it sounds logical ... :)
But what does this picture really mean? It means two things. One meaning is that it is more important for Jesus to love you than all the anger you have, and at whom you are angry and why. It is more important for Jesus to show his acceptance than to look at what you think of others. For Jesus, the most important thing is to share His love, peace and joy with you. For Him, it is more important to tell you that life is good than your complaining about how bad your life is. He wants to embrace you even now in this moment.
But there is another thing that this image means. If you love Jesus, He lives in you. Just think about it: if Jesus lives in you, and He can not be touched by evil things, what does it mean?
Yes, exactly that! Then it means that you can not be touched by evil things either!
Now you could say this: What? Evil things can not touch me??? But I'm constantly experiencing that this world is full of wickedness, and it does not leave me alone.
Yes, I know ... and believe me it does not leave me alone either... But think about it, if Jesus could live in you in such an extent that He fills you completely, then you really could not be touched by evil things since Jesus lives in every single cell of yours. He is there in all your thoughts, in all your feelings, in all your words and in all your actions.
Ever since this picture was shown to me by Jesus, my only desire is that He fills me completely so that evil things can not touch me. I desire this with all of my heart.
What about you? What do you think how would it be for you? Would it be worth living with Jesus so that evil things would never ever touch you again?
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