So, the posts here are not supposed to be spooky: they are simply about how incredibly super good Jesus is, and how much He loves us all. I didn't make up these posts, they are not my thoughts. I got them in order to understand few things better. And I share them for one reason, so that also you would have a better understanding.
Na, amiről itt szó lesz, attól nem kell megijedni: egyszerűen annyi, hogy Jézus mennyire nagyon hihetetlenül szuper jó, és hogy mennyire nagyon szeret mindenkit. Az itt leírt bejegyzéseket nem én találtam ki; ezek nem a saját gondolataim. Ezeket azért kaptam, hogy jobban megérthessek néhány dolgot. És csak azért írom le őket, hogy te is megérthesd ezeket.


First of all: this blog is not about me at all!
But in the case you are wondering who the writer of this blog is I tell you shortly about myself. My name is Akos and I can tell you I'm just an ordinary guy with an amazing God. I live in Budapest, Hungary and I love living here. Google it if you are not sure where it is. I have a simple job and I live a simple life. But I have an almighty Father! Everything I have or I know is from Him.

Few things I love:
I love to worship God because I love Him a lot! I love every single moment in His presence. I love when He teaches me and when He tells me how much He loves me. I just love His sense of humor :) He is amazing! I also love to pray for others. I love those precious moments when I can see my Heavenly Daddy touching hearts.

Few things I believe in:
I believe we can have an intimate relationship with our Heavenly Father through Jesus Christ. I believe God speaks to us. I believe that the gifts of the Holy Spirit are available for us in great measure. I believe that the coming days are going to be spiritually so intense that people from Acts would be jealous of our generation. It's gonna be joyful, heart touching and probably very unusual. And I don't wanna miss a moment of it!